Whats New!
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With over 60 fragrances it’s difficult to come up with new ideas and fragrances people actually want to use. We occasionally get recommendations from our customers and if there is a way we can make the scent into a fuel fragrance we certainly give it a try.
Available on our site now are three new fragrances for your smelling pleasure! A kids breakfast favorite, Fruit Loops, Buttercream crunch and a mystery scent. (More on that later)
Less than a week after our release of three unique fragrances, I am back in the lab creating the next best seller.
The focused effort of the Wild Willy brand is to create industry leading, market specific products that people like us can use. These problems are niche in their popularity but hopefully solve a problem.
Send us your feedback on the new scents and what other items you want to see next in the in the lineup of Wild Willy Fuel products. Quick Detailer? Chrome Polish? Oil and Fuel Additives?
We’ll see you at the Races!